Work Title: location / dislocation

Dimensions: 7.5 metres X 1.5 metres

Materials: Acrylic paint on wall surface, accompanied by musical interpretation.

Paint: Phillip Jones

Double Bass: James Rust

Percussion: Mark Grunden

Guitar: James Wilson

Tenor and Soprano Saxophones: Konk Zooben

Year: 1999

Listen to the full performance:

The players assembled at First Site Gallery and presented themselves facing the mural on the wall for the first time. The improvisation is derived exclusively from a) their impressions of the mural b) the exhibition as a whole c) just standing there at the opening with instruments in hand d) whatever baggage they brought along.

The composition is presented here in its entirety; from its initial solemn and then tentative meanderings through to the terrifying highpoint…a kind of climax of the ambient musings, searching and development…The piece, perhaps in some ways, presents in sound, a reflectivity of the process of the creation of the mural…as considered by strangers.

Q and A with the performers:

“Did you think about Phillip with his brush?”

“Yeah, a bit”

“No I just kinda listened and kinda stared at the ground”

“Yeah, I was thinking about the brush, the contemplation… then things that you would start seeing into the thing while working on it. The decisions whimsical, calculated… the reason for doing things, food, your peers, the day…then I heard the band or people talking in the crowd…and resonance, the idea, the madness, illusion…man I got carried away and started thinking all kinds of things…and then sometime just that silent kinda timeless feeling…its was way worth it for that”

The mural by Phillip Jones was painted on the wall at the First Site Gallery. It was later painted over.

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